We want to make the search process as easy as possible. Below you will find an easy-to-follow system which includes the ability to search for people by category, keywords, location or simply find them on a map.
Search the Collective
You can search by category. Simply click which type of person you’re looking for and click search. Or you could search by Keyword. Want to just find drummers? Type in drummer and search. Keep your words singular and generic for best results. Maybe you’d like to find someone local to your event. Simply enter your city and state and you will find people close to you. And finally, you can simply look on the map to find where everyone is located. Simply hover over a pin on the map to see the person’s name. Click the pin to see their profile. It’s that easy.
When you find someone you’re interested in, simply contact them from their profile information. You can find their contact information including their email address, website and phone number on their page. If you have any problems finding the right person, let us know. We’ll be glad to help you.